مديريت كيفيت؛ استاندارد ISO 14000

اين استاندارد براي كليه صنايع كاربرد دارد

استاندارد خانواده ISO 14000 شامل استاندارد هاي بين المللي در رابطه با سيستم هاي زيست محيطي مي باشد. اين استاندارد در سال 1996 ميلادي توسط كميته فني 207 سازمان ايزو به وجود آمد.
يك سيستم مديريت زيست محيطي مي تواند به عنوان بخشي از سيستم جامع مديريت به حساب آيد.
اين سيستم شامل ساختار سازماني، فعاليتهاي طرح ريزي، تعريف مسئوليتها، تعيين روش ها و فرآيندها و همچنين در اختيار گيري منابع لازم براي تهيه، اجرا، بازنگري و حفظ خط مشي زيست محيطي سازمان است.
سيستم مديريت محيط زيست بر مبناي استاندارد ISO 14001 به عنوان يك الگوي اجرايي توسط مرجع صدور گواهينامه (Certificationn Body ) مورد ارزيابي قرار مي گيرد.

مزاياي بكارگيري استاندارد:- ايجاد سيستمهاي مديريت زيست محيطي كه منجر به حفاظت بيشتر از محيط زيست مي شود.
– به حداقل رسانيدن موانع غير تعرفه اي تجاري و تسهيل تجارت بين الملل با توجه به بها دادن بيشتر به محيط در سازمان ها
– جلب مشتريان بيشتر و افزايش سهم بازار در سطح بين المللي
– افزايش رعايت مقررات و قوانين مربوط به محيط زيست
– استفاده بهينه از منابع طبيعي
– تسهيل تجارت بين الملل
– ايجاد ارزش افزوده بيشتر براي سازمان

دامنه كاربرد:اين استاندارد براي كليه صنايع كاربرد دارد.

ISO 14000

This report is a heads-up analysis about ISO 14000 standards. A decade from now we may recognize these standards as one of the most significant international initiatives for sustainable development. ISO 14000 defines a voluntary environmental management system. Used in conjunction with appropriate goals, and with management commitment, the standards will help improve corporate performance. They will provide an objective basis for verifying a company’s claims about its performance. This is particularly important in relation to international trade, where at present almost anyone can make assertions about environmental performance – and there are only limited means to address veracity.

Consumers, governments and companies up and down the supply chain are all seeking ways to reduce their environmental impact and increase their long-run sustainability. For companies, the key goals are to become more efficient – to get more output per unit of input – while earning profits and maintaining the trust of their stakeholder. The ISO 14000 voluntary standards will help. It is important to note that the ISO 14000 standards do not themselves specify environmental performance goals. These must be set by the company itself, taking into account the effects it has on the environment, and the views of its stakeholders.

How then can ISO 14000 help meet the global need to move toward sustainable development?

Implementation of a management system based approach will help companies focus attention on environmental issues, and bring them into the main stream of corporate decision-making.

ISO 14000 is designed to provide customers with a reasonable assurance that the performance claims of a company are accurate. In fact, ISO 14000 will help integrate the environmental management systems of companies that trade with each other in all corners of the world.

These positives, however, come with a price tag. The ISO process has not fully involved all countries or levels of business. Some consumer and environmental organizations may well be skeptical of voluntary standards . And there is a large measure of capacity building needed throughout the world in order for this system to work well. Finally, sustainable development requires that issues of human well-being be added to environmental and economic policies. While sustainable development is introduced within ISO 14000 standards, the detailed documents deal almost exclusively with environmental issues.

In this publication, IISD tracks the development of these standards and provides interpretation of them. The report highlights what companies need to think about and what stakeholders interested in sustainable development should understand about the ISO 14000 initiative. We anticipate adding further information and analysis as events unfold during the implementation phase. Interested readers should check our Internet site (http://iisd.ca/) for these updates, including an extensive annotated bibliography, and for information on IISD’s work on Business, Trade, and Measures and Indicators.

Arthur J. Hanson
President and CEO
International Institute for Sustainable Development


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