کریس آرجریس

مجموعه آثار کریس آرجریس نمایانگر آن است که وی همانند مزلو و مک گریگور بر این باور بود که انسان یک کل منسجم و نظام یافته است. آرجریس در کتاب خود تحت عنوان “شخصیت و سازمان”، ضمن مقایسه فعالیتهای مدیریتی در سازمانهای سلسله مراتبی و سنتی، با نیازها و تواناییهای افراد بالغ، چنین نتیجه گیری می کند که برخی از اقدامها و فعالیتهایی که بویژه تحت تأثیر رهیافتهای سنتی مدیریت انجام می پذیرند، با شخصیت افراد بالغ ناسازگارند.




Chris(topher) Argyris Biography



Psychologist and sociologist, born in Newark, New Jersey, USA. He taught at Yale (1951–71) and the Harvard graduate schools of education and business administration (1971), and conducted private consultancies with government organizations. Bringing social science techniques to organizational theory, he specialized in human relations, executive development, and organizational behaviour and development. One of his important books was Overcoming Organizational Defenses (1990).



Chris Argyris, Bibliography of Works


Flawed Advice and the Management Trap: How Managers Can Know When They’re Getting Good Advice and When They’re Not. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.


Concise Blackwell Encyclopedia Of Management. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell Publishers. (Editors: Cooper, Cary L. & Argyris, Chris)
An interview with Chris Argyris. Strategy and business, 10(1), 87-91, 93-96.


Learning and teaching: A theory of action perspective. Journal of Management Education, 21(1), 9-27.


Organizational learning II: Theory, Method, and Practice. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Longman. (Schon, D.)
Unrecognized defenses of scholars: Impact on theory and research. Organization Science, 7(1), 79-87.
Actionable knowledge: Design causality in the service of consequential theory. Journal of Applied Behavior Science, 32(4), 390-408.
Actionable knowledge: Intent versus actuality. Journal of Applied Behavior Science, 32(4), 441-445.


Good communication that blocks learning. Harvard Business Review, 72(4), 77-85.
Initiating change that perseveres. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 4(3), 343-355.
Implementing new knowledge: The case of activity-based costing. Accounting Horizons, 8(3), 83-105. (Kaplan, R. S.)
A dialogue with professors Lindblom and Argyris. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 4(3), 357-366. (Lindblom, E.)


Knowledge for action: A guide to overcoming barriers to organizational change. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
On organizational learning. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell Publishers.
Education for leading-learning. Organizational Dynamics, 21(3), 5-17.
On the nature of actionable knowledge. Psychologist, 6(1), 29-32.


Overcoming organizational defenses. Journal for Quality and Participation, 15(2), 26-28.


Teaching smart people how to learn. Harvard Business Review, 69(3), 99-109.



Overcoming organizational defenses: Facilitating organizational learning. Needham, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Managers, workers, and organizations. Society, 27(6), 5-48.
The dilemma of implementing controls: The case of managerial accounting. Accounting, Organizations, and Society, 15(6), 503-511.
Inappropriate defenses against the monitoring of organization development practice. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 26(3), 299-312.
Two conceptions of causality: The case of organizational theory and behavior. Working paper, Harvard Business School and Department of Urban Planning, MIT, Cambridge, MA. (Schon, D. A.)



The discipline of management and academic defensive routines. In R. Mansfield (Ed.), Frontiers of management (pp. 8-20). London: Routledge Press.
Strategy implementation: An experience in learning. Organizational Dynamics, 18(2), 5-15.
A review of Kurt Lewin’s field theory in social sciences and resolving social conflicts. Academy of Management Review, 14(1), 96-98.
Participatory action research and action science compared. American Behavioral Scientist, 32(5), 612-623. (Schon, D. A.)



Problems in producing usable knowledge for implementing liberating alternatives. In D. E. Bell, H. Raiffa, & A. Tversky (Eds.), Decision making: Descriptive, normative, and prescriptive interactions (pp.540-561). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Crafting a theory of practice: The case of organizational paradoxes. In R. E. Quinn & K. S. Cameron (Eds.), Paradox and transformation: Toward a theory of change in organization and management (pp. 255-278). Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Co.
Reciprocal integrity: Creating conditions that encourage personal and organizational integrity. In S. Srivastva (Ed.), Executive integrity: The search for high human values in managerial behavior (pp. 197-222) San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. (Schon, D. A.)



Review essay: First- and second-order errors in managing strategic change: The role of organizational defensive routines. In Pettigrew, A. M. (Ed.), Management of strategic change (pp. 342-351). New York: Basil Blackwell.
Bridging economics and psychology: The case of the economic theory of the firm. American Psychologist, 42(5), 456-463.
A leadership dilemma: Skilled incompetence. Business and Economic Review, 1(1), 4-11.


Skilled incompetence. Harvard Business Review, 64(5), 74-79.


Strategy, change and defense routines. Boston, MA: Pitman Publishing Inc.
Action science: Concepts, methods, and skills for research and intervention. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. (Putnam, R., & Smith, D.).
Making knowledge more relevant to practice: Maps for action. In E. E. Lawler III, A. M. Mohrman, Jr., S. A. Mohrman, G. E. Ledford, Jr., T. G. Cummings, & Associates (Eds.), Doing research that is useful for theory and practice (pp. 79-106). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Inc.
Interventions for improving leadership effectiveness. Journal of Management Development, 4(5), 30-50.


Action science and intervention. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 19(2), 115-135.
Useable knowledge for double-loop problems. In Kilmann, et al. (Eds.), Producing useful knowledge for organizations: Volumes I and II (pp. 377-394). New York: Praeger.


Reasoning, learning, and action: Individual and organizational. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, Inc.
Research as action: Useable knowledge for understanding and changing the status quo. In N. Nicholson & T. D. Wall (Eds.), The theory and practice of organizational psychology (pp. 197-211). London: Academic Press Ltd.
The executive mind and double-loop learning. Organizational Dynamics, 11(2), 5-22.
Inner contradictions of rigorous research. Evaluation and Program Planning, volume 5, number 4, page 374-375.


Teaching and learning in design settings. In W. Porter & M. Kilbridge (Eds.), Architecture education study (pp. 551-660). New York: Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.


Inner contradictions of rigorous research. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Some limitations of the case method: Experiences in a management development program. Academy of Management Review, 5(2), 291-298.
Making the undiscussable and its undiscussability discussable. Public Administration Review, 40(3), 205-213.


Reflecting on laboratory education from a theory of action perspective. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 5(3), 296-310.


Organizational learning: A theory of action perspective. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. (Schon, D. A.)
Ineffective regulating processes. In D. P. Jacobs (Ed.), Regulating business: The search for an optimum (pp. 173-192). San Francisco, CA: Institute for Contemporary Studies.
Is capitalism the culprit? Organizational Dynamics, 6(4), 20-37.
Media’s capacity for self-destruction. Neiman Reports, 31(4), 17-20.


Double-loop learning in organizations. Harvard Business Review, 55(5), 115-125.
Organizational learning and management information systems. Accounting, Organizations, and Society, 2(2), 113-123.


Increasing leadership effectiveness. New York: Wiley-Interscience.
Six presidents: Increasing leadership effectiveness. New York: Wiley.
Problems and new directions for industrial psychology. In M. D. Dunnette (Ed.), Handbook of industrial and organizational psychology (pp. 151-184). Skokie, IL: Rand McNally.
Single-loop and double-loop models in research on decision making. Administrative Science Quarterly, 21(3), 363-375.
Theories of action that inhibit individual learning. American Psychologist, 31(9), 638-654.
Leadership, learning and changing the status quo. Organizational Dynamics, 4(3), 29-43.


Dangers in applying results from experimental social psychology. American Psychologist, 30(4), 469-485.



Theory in practice: Increasing professional effectiveness. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. (Schon, D. A.)
Behind the front page; organizational self-renewal in a metropolitan newspaper. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
Changing communities by changing organizations. In W. Hawley & D. Rogers (Eds.), Improving the quality of public services (pp. 337-370). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.
Personality vs. organization. Organizational Dynamics, 3(2), 3-17.
Alternative schools: A behavioral analysis. Teachers College Record, 75(4), 429-452.
Conversations with Chris Argyris. Organizational Dynamics. 3(1), 45-62.



On organizations of the future. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.
Personality and organization theory revisited. Administrative Science Quarterly, 18(2), 141-167.
Some limits of rational man organizational theory. Public Administration Review, 33(3), 253-267.
The CEO’s Behavior: Key to organizational development. Harvard Business Review, 51(2), 55-64.


The applicability of organizational sociology. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Do personal growth laboratories represent an alternative culture? Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences, 8(1), 7-28.


Management and organizational development; the path from XA to YB. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Essay review on “Beyond freedom and dignity.” Harvard Educational Review, 41(4), 550-567.
Management information systems: The challenge to rationality and emotionality. Management Science, 17(6), B275-B292.


Intervention theory and method: A behavioral science view. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.


The incompleteness of social psychological theory: Examples from small group, cognitive consistency and attribution research. American Psychologist, 24(10), 893-908.


Organization: Effectiveness and change. In D. L. Sills (Ed.), International encyclopedia of social sciences (pp. 311-319). New York: MacMillan Co. and The Free Press.
Conditions for competence acquisition and therapy. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 4(2), 147-177.
On the effectiveness of research and development organizations. American Scientist, 56(4), 344-355.
Issues in evaluation laboratory education. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 8(1), 28-40.
Some consequences of separating thoughts from action. Ventures, 8(1), 68-72.
Some unintended consequences of rigorous research. Psychological Bulletin, 70(3), 185-197.


On the future of laboratory education. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 3(2), 153-183.
Today’s problems with tomorrow’s organizations. Journal of Management Studies, 4(1), 31-55.
Do you recognize yourself? Foreign Service Journal, 44(1), 21-26.
How tomorrow’s executive will make decisions. Think, 33(6), 18-23.


Interpersonal barriers to decision making. Harvard Business Review, 44(2), 84-97.
Interpersonal competence, organizational milieu, and innovation. Research Management, 9(2), 84-98.


Organization and innovation. Homewood, IL: R. D. Irwin-Dorsey.
Explorations in interpersonal competence I. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 1(1), 58-83.
Explorations in interpersonal competence II. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 1(3), 255-269.


Integrating the individual and the organization. New York: Wiley & Sons.
Being human and being organized. Trans-action, 1(5), 3-6.
T-groups for organizational effectiveness. Harvard Business Review, 42(2), 60-74.
The process of influence and manipulations within the organizational setting. Industrial Medicine and Surgery, 33(12), 899-928.


A brief description of laboratory education. Training Directors, 17(?), 4-8.
A comment on George Odiorne’s paper. Training Directors, 17(?), 31-32.


Interpersonal competence and organizational effectiveness. Homewood, IL: Irwin-Dorsey Press.
A new era in personnel relations. Dun’s Review, 79(6), 40-41.
Behavior of executives within the organization. Behavioral Science Research in Industrial Relations, Industrial relations Monograph No. 21, Industrial Relations Counselors, Inc., New York.



Explorations in client-consultant relationships. Human Organization, 20(3), 121-133.
Employee apathy and non-involvement: The house that management built. Personnel, 38(4), 8-14.
Organizational leadership. In L. Petrullo & B. Bass (Eds.), Leadership and interpersonal behavior (pp. 326-354). New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.


Understanding organizational behavior. Homewood, IL: Dorsey Press.
Individual actualization in complex organization. Mental Hygiene, 44(2), 226-237.
Organizational effectiveness under stress. Harvard Business Review, 38(3), 137-146.
Human behavior in organizations. Yale Scientific Magazine, 34(5), 40-51.


The individual and organization: An empirical test. Administrative Science Quarterly, 4(2), 146-167.
Organizational health and executive development. Advanced Management, 24(12), 8-11.


Creating effective research relationships in an organization. Human Organization, 17(1), 34-40.
Some problems in conceptualizing organizational climate: A case study of a bank. Administrative Science Quarterly, 2(4), 501-520.
The organization: What makes it healthy? Harvard Business Review, 36(6), 107-116.
Management implications of recent social science research. Personnel Administration, 21(3), 5-10.


Personality and organizations; the conflict between system and the individual. New York: HarperCollins.
The individual and organization: Some problems of mutual adjustment. Administrative Science Quarterly, 2(1), 1-24.


Diagnosing human relations in organizations; a case study of a hospital. New Haven, CN: Yale University Labor and Management Center.
Research trends in executive behavior. Advanced Management, 21(3), 6-9.
Some unsolved problems of executive development programs. Journal of Educational Sociology, 30(1), 20-30.


Organizational leadership and participative management. Journal of Business, 28(1), 1-7.
Top management dilemma: Company needs vs. individual development. Personnel, 32(2), 123-134.


Organization of a bank: A study of the nature of organization and the fusion process. New Haven, CN: Yale University Labor and Management Center.
Organizational structure and dynamics. New Haven, CN: Yale University Labor and Management Center. (Bakke, E. W.)
The fusion of an individual with the organization. American Sociological Review, 19(3), 267-272.
Leadership pattern in the plant. Harvard Business Review, 32(1), 63-70.
Human relations in a bank. Harvard Business Review, 32(5), 63-72.


Executive leadership: An appraisal of a manager in action. New York: Harper and Brothers.
An introduction to field theory and interaction theory. New Haven, CN: Yale University Labor and Management Center.
Some characteristics of successful executives. Personnel Journal, 32(3), 50-55.
Human problems with budgets. Harvard Business Review, 31(1), 97-110.


Personality fundamentals for administrators: An introduction for the layman. New Haven, CN: Yale University Labor and Management Center.
Diagnosing defenses against the outsider. Journal of Social Issues, 8(3), 1-10.


Impact of budgets on people. New York: Controllership Foundation. (F. Miller).
The member-centered conference as a research method: I. Human Organization, 9(4), 5-14. (Taylor, G.)
The member-centered conference as a research method: II. Human Organization, 10(1), 22-27. (Taylor, G.)
A note on research technique: The flow chart. Human Organization, 10(4), 37-38.

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