In the dark aspect, we observe a world of cruelty towards women and children, forbidding human beings from water. Wiping detained children, women and men, and killing a lot of good people. Our world has witnessed a lot of wars such as the crusades,Europeans in Spain and Sicily, American soldiers killing Vietnamese, the first and the 2nd world wars, etc… but the cruelty executed in Karbala, considering the situation and the relationship between the two parties of war, is the most terrible and disastrous one.
The second phase provides us with humanity, good manners and moralities on the Husayn’s part. The virtue, scarification, and bravery of Imam and his followers and friends came to be a unique source of moral sense for the Muslim world.
Banu-Umayya system came to know about their own great mistake, killing Imam, and tried to make one another guilty of the events. They observed that Husayn’s death didn’t augur well for their government.
Husayn’s memorial (tomb)turned out to be a holy place for Muslims. People know that Husayn was killed and his decapitated body was buried there in 680, the place is known as Mashhad (al-) Husayn. This sanctuary is visited by many a people from Muslim world every year.
Zaynab, Imam’s sister addressed Yazid saying
that means: “Do whatever you can, but be sure my brother will never die, he is alive and more active after you killed him” and Imam himself, at the very night of the event, was quoted to say “you are best comrades and you are the best ones in the world. I prefer you even to the prophet’s companions in Badr war”. The people who presented bravery and courage in Karbala event were Imam Husayn, Abu’lfazl (al-) Abbas, Ali Akbar, Ali Asghar, Habib. B. Mazahir, Zahir, Muslim b. ‘Aquil (who was killed in Kufa, by order of ‘Ubayd Allah b. Ziyad), and Muslim b. ‘Ausaje